


THE CBCA | Goals

Promote and expand participation of steel construction in the local market by:

  • Disclosing technical and business competences to steel construction.
  • Collaborating with works from sectorial entities of the industrialized construction.
  • Providing a knowledge sharing and discussion forum for sector-related matters.
  • Promoting and disclosing steel construction in order to expand the internal demand and participation in the market against surrogate products.
  • Developing and disclosing new steel construction and product processes/ technology.
  • Developing interchange of information, experiences and techniques in order to increase the sector’s competitiveness, therefore fostering tax isonomy between construction system and products.
  • Collecting, interpreting and disclosing sector-related statistical data and information.
  • Fostering and participating in the normalization process of the sector, as well as in product certification.
  • Fostering integration with other national and international entities.
  • Disclosing CBCA activities, appropriately, to public and private entities of the Country, as well as to the general public.
  • Undertaking studies and researches in all sector's interest areas.
  • Working as a facilitator in the development and execution of sector's interest projects.


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